These instructions apply to
patients who have undergone Periodontal Sugery. It is important that you
are familar with these instructions. is instruction sheet has been developed
for those patients who have undergone periodontal surgical procedures.
Please read these instructions carefully and if you do not understand something
or have any questions at all, please call our office immediately.
CARE OF THE MOUTH ORAL BANDAGES or packings are often placedfor protection. If loss of the bandage causes bleeding, discomfort, or concern, please call the office. The bandage/packing is temperature sensitive, so please try to avoid very hot beverages as they may soften and loosen the bandage. ICE PACKS should be applied to the face over the surgical area. This will reduce swelling and bleeding. Application of the ice pack for the first 4 to 6 hours should be on-and-off. If swelling interferes with swallowing, closes your eye, or interferes with breathing, please call the office or go to the emergency room immediately if the office is closed. EAT soft non-spicy foods, that is neither too hot or too cold, is encouraged. You may resume a normal diet as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. CLEANING of the surgical area should be avoided because it will disturb normal healing. Clean the rest of your mouth normally. BLEEDING A slight amount of bleeding is not uncommon. Avoid rinsing, spitting or sucking through a straw the day of surgery because it may result in additional bleeding. If there is excessive or conitnuous bleeding, moisten and bite on a tea bag in the area of bleeding for 15 minutes. Repeat if necessary. Call the office if bleeding continues. DISCOMFORT Some discomfort may be expected as with any surgical procedure. The amount will vary depending on the extent and type of surgery performed. Use Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or Acetaminophen following package directions as required. In the case of moderate to severe discomfort prescription medications may be required. With narcotic medication do not drive or use dangerous machinery. If the pain does not resolve please call the office. |