On your first visit to our office we'll get acquainted and do some important paperwork. It is important to find out if you have any medical or dental problems that could affect your health. Do you have any dental problems that require immediate treatment? What are your long term dental goals?
I will examine your teeth and recommend any x-rays or other diagnostic work that is necessary depending on the conditions present in your mouth. A treatment plan will be suggested for your approval. Appropriate appointments will then be arranged for your treatment.
We do not take unnecessary x-rays in this office. The type and frequency of x-rays taken is determined individually for each patient. For example, someone who gets many cavities should have x-rays taken more often than someone who rarely gets a cavity.
What are the ways to sterilize and disinfect dental equipment? Dental offices use a variety of methods to sterilize and disinfect. Dental instruments are cleaned and then sterilized between patients by methods that kill the AIDS virus and other microscopic organisms capable of causing diseases. Common acceptable sterilization methods include an autoclave that uses steam under pressure, dry heat in an oven-like environment and chemical vapor sterilization. Disinfecting procedures are used on surfaces and equipment that cannot be removed for cleaning and sterilization, such as counter tops, drawer handles, X-ray unit heads and light handles. Disinfecting is done in the treatment room between patients to assure that the room is clean for each patient.
We take "Universal Precautions" with all of our patients. That means that we heat sterilize or autoclave all of our instruments and handpieces between every patient. We use masks, gloves and disposable items whenever possible to prevent transmission of disease.
We want to treat you like you were part of our own family. Rest assured that we care about your health and comfort. Let us know if we can make your visit to our office better in any way!
Our normal work week is 8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. Monday to Thursday. If you must change an appointment please give us 24 hours notice so someone else can be scheduled. Missed appointments are expensive and troublesome to a dental practice.