I hope this Dental Library will help answer your questions relating to Dentistry. This Library is designed to be a Non-Commercial resource to gather reference material from around the internet for patients looking for answers to their dental questions. Much of this information is not my own but has been created by others. My purpose is to provide an extra source of dental information in one convenient location. 

When there is information that you don't understand, it is always a good idea to look it up in the library. Most of our visitors are from outside the Temple Area and I encourage you to see your own individual dentist on a regular basis and your dental specialist as needed.


Stuart A. Greene DDS-FAGD
2009 Birdcreek Terrace Temple, TX 76502 254.773.9007 | Fax 254.773.8051
©2007 Stuart A. Greene, DDS-FAGD | Online since 1996 | Updated Continuously