Cosmetic/Esthetic Dentistry
Is this something new??

Is cosmetic dentistry a new idea? Not really!! It's in the news, on television and in magazines. The implication is that this is a "NEW" field of dentistry. I have been in practice 26 years now, and I have always been concerned with "ESTHETICS". What is esthetics you might ask? Actually "esthetics" is the term we have used in dentistry for many years to mean "cosmetic". I do use the terminology "cosmetic" throughout the web site because that is the term people today understand, although I still prefer the term esthetic. "Cosmetic Dentistry" is purely and simply a marketing word to convey something fine dentists have been concerned about and practiced for many years. What dentist would want to perform dentistry and make someone ugly or put unsightly dentistry on someone's front teeth? We have done various dental procedures over the years when a patient comes in and asks us to improve the way they look.

We have had porcelain crowns, bonding, bleaching, and tooth colored fillings for as long as I have been in practice. What is new is that many of the materials have been improved and are longer lasting. Actually the only really new addition to the cosmetic/esthetic restorations is veneers. Veneers are a great way to change the color and shape of teeth where they are indicated, but those cases should be selected carefully to achieve the best results. To me cosmetic/esthetic is something you should expect from your dentist as a normal part of your dental treatment.

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