My primary
dedication is to achieving Optimum Health. We attempt to achieve this goal
in the most pleasant, and efficient manner possible. We believe in using
any and all methods possible, to prevent dental disease, and where it has
occurred, to treat it in the most thorough manner possible, with the objective
of saving the natural teeth.
team is comprised of talented individuals. We seek to provide wellness
oriented care, and a personalized service for our clients. The principles
of integrity, and empathy guide both our personal and professional lives.
We are guided by a firm commitment to the enhancement of positive growth
and the well being of our clients, our coworkers and ourselves.
goal is to provide a service which exceeds the usual and customary health
care. The needs, circumstances and temperament of the individual are always
considered. We will offer only natural cosmetic enhancements and superior
clinical restorations.
attention is to the finer details which enhance the quality, and excellence
of our care. We are not about compromising to do things faster and cheaper,
unless it helps us do it better.
focus is always improving the longevity, and quality of life of the people
we serve. We are devoted to improving our level of individual
service, and provide personal high quality service.
team is committed to to keeping our clients informed on what is required
to obtain optimum health. We empathetically listen to circumstances and
concerns, and assist in identifying the best choices for optimal, long
term dental health and comfort. We believe in selective, quality, continual
learning and post graduate education. We believe in the utilization of
leading edge technology, which enhances our abilities to provide the best
in health care.
Lack of
communication causes more problems between people than any other single
thing. We want to serve you in the best way possible and we welcome the
opportunity to discuss any facet of our relationship with you. We hope
that reading this, will enable you to have a better understanding of what
we are trying to do and how you, as one of our valued patients, fit into
the picture.
Our Patients should expect of Us
- Kind and
considerate treatment in pleasant surroundings.
- Constant
postgraduate study to keep abreast of the most modern techniques in dentistry.
- Respect
for our patients' time in scheduling appointments.
- The very
best we have to offer in care, skill and judgment.
Our Operating Philosophy

Stuart A. Greene DDS-FAGD
2009 Birdcreek Terrace Temple, TX 76502 254.773.9007 | Fax 254.773.8051
©2007 Stuart A. Greene, DDS-FAGD | Online since 1996 | Updated Continuously