Dental Sedation
by Maury Hafernik

There are 2 primary kinds of Sedation used in Dentistry "Dental Sedation":
  1.  Unscious Sedation - This is most commonly referred to as 'general  anesthesia' and is usually used in a hospital and anmistered by an anesthesiologist. The reason that it is referred to as 'unconscious sedation' is because the patient is completly unconcious; the muscles stop working and the anesthesiologist requires machines in the operating room to breathe for the patient..
  2.  Concious Sedation -In "Sedation Dentistry" all body functions remain normal and the person is able to breathe on their own.

This type of sedation is a  state of very deep relaxation. You can still speak and respond to the requests of others.

 This type of sedation medication used for Sedation Dentistry "Concious Sedation" has an amnesic effect for some patient and they will remember virtually nothing about thier dental appointment.

 There are 2 common forms of  "conscious sedation":

  1.   I.V. (intraveneous) Sedation- administered in a dental office, This uses medications administered directly into the persons blood stream. The advantage of IV Sedation is that if someone is not as "deep" as the doctor would like them to be more medication can be given and the effects are instantaneous. 
  2.  Oral Sedation (Sedation Dentistry)- administered  in the form of a pill or liquid; the patient swallows the medication. The disadvantages with this method are that the level of sedation for each person is not as predictable.   The reasons for the difference between patients are related to body weight, genetics, previous drug history, which may increase or decrease the amount of actual sedation a person experiences. Since it is swallowed, there is a time delay between the time the medication is taken and it actually causes sedation. Sedation dentistry is "orally administered sedation". 
  1. There are Advantages to Oral Sedation:
  2. The patien has the advantage of sedation and that the same time does not have the fees associated with an I.V. sedation.
  3. It is much easier to administer by mouth than by I.V. 
  4. It is generally safer and earier to monitor
  5. Almost all people respond very favorably to orally administered sedation.

What are the medication used orally?

  1. The most common drug is Halcion (also known as triazolam) this is very closely related to Valium chemically. The differences are that with Halcion there is a much deeper relaxation and amnesic effect than there is with Valium.
  2. For children the most common drug is Verseed (also known as Medazolan).

[What is Sedation Dentistry?] [Is Sedation For You? ]
[Reasons People Need Oral Sedation ] [ How Does Oral Sedation Work?]
[Reasons People Need Inhalation Sedation] [How Does Inhalation Sedation Work?]
[Sedation Dentistry Overview] [Bibliography/References/Links]

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