• This is also commonly called the "checkup and cleaning"
  • It is very important for you to understand that during your recare appointment, you will receive much more than just a cleaning. I don't know if you have ever given it much thought, but you are receiving a FULL SPECTRUM of diagnostic, preventive, and educational services specifically and individually designed to help you keep the best possible smile for a lifetime. Based upon your specific dental needs, your dental team will formulate a program designed to accomplish your dental goals. Some or all of the following procedures will be included in your recare appointment.
  • During the DIAGNOSTIC phase of your visit we may include
  • During the DIAGNOSTIC phase of your visit we may include:
  1. A review and updating of your medical history.
  2. A recording of any changes in your prescribed medications and physical condition.
  3. Necessary X-rays for detecting decay, bone loss and oral pathologies (disease) such as cysts etc.
  4. An examination of your teeth to detect decay.
  5. An inspection of all existing restorations (filling and or crowns) for leakage and cracks which may result in future decay.
  6. Evaluation of your periodontal (gum) tissues.
  7. Checking your biting patterns.
  8. Evaluating possible cosmetic alterations which you may feel will improve your smile.
The PREVENTIVE services of your visit may include:
  1. Blood pressure screening (if necessary)
  2. Head and neck oral cancer screening.
  3. Scaling of your teeth to remove all plaque and calculus (tartar).
  4. Polishing of teeth to remove all surface stains.
  5. Polishing all porcelain crowns.
  6. Polishing all silver restorations.
  7. Flossing.
  8. Application of fluoride if necessary.
  9. Referral to a specialist for specific treatment if necessary.

  10. (ie. Endodontist, Periodontist or an Oral Surgeon).

The EDUCATIONAL aspect of your visit may include:

  1. A tour of your mouth with our intra-oral camera and a discussion of findings.
  2. Toothbrushing and flossing instructions.
  3. Instructions on specific plaque-control items such as:

  4. Proxybrush™, Perio-Aid™, rubber tip, Interplak™, Rotadent™
  5. Dietary discussion (if necessary).
  6. Presentation of prescribed dental treatment.
  7. Updating you on what's new in home care products and the latest advances in Dentistry.
  8. A discussion of the recommended time periods between recare visits.
  • hope you can see now that your oral hygiene recare visit IS MORE than just 'a cleaning'. We believe that our patients deserve the benefits of the FULL SPECTRUM of available dental services that can assist in the protection of their overall medical and dental health.
  • Please remember, good oral hygiene is a great habit to get into! The rewards of a FULL SPECTRUM Recare Appointment are a healthy dentition, a bright smile and the confidence that you have begun a program that will continue to provide benefits to you for years to come.
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[Brushing] [Flossing] [Essential Care] [Plaque and Tartar] 

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Stuart A. Greene, DDS-FAGD
2009 Birdcreek Terrace Temple, TX 76502 254.773.9007 | Fax 254.773.8051
©2004 Stuart A. Greene, DDS-FAGD | Online since 1996 | Updated Continuously